Spring Brides – Half Up / Down Curls
A combination of crimping and root tonging, along with correct product choice is to key to achieve perfect polished long-lasting curls. Adding a hidden scalp…
Spring Brides – Rope Twist
For soft controlled texture, and how to achieve the perfect balance between the lower nape shape and design, a combination of rope and single twists…
Spring Brides – Glamour Waves
For beautiful waves, tong setting is key to execute glamorous Hollywood waves. All in the preparation, learn this unique setting pattern, and how to dress…
How To Use…Creative Tongs – Volumiser Crimper
This little gem has the ability to create some of the most incredible hair styles. Offering three different options in this tutorial, see how simple…
How To…Use Creative Tongs – Conical Tongs
Once you understand the best way to set with a conical tong, your mind will open up to many possibilities. The information delivered in this video…
How To…Use a Pony Extension – Monika
Highlighting the flexibility of a hair extension piece, this look was created by placing the extension upside down for extreme over direction. This stunning classic…
How To…Use a Pony Extension – Letitia
A modern French roll can be super cool when a hair extension is added in fine hair. This allows for a stronger shape and a…
How To…Use a Pony Extension – Roxy
Adding a hair extension to finer hair gives extra bulk and allows for more creativity. With this Brigitte Bardot-inspired style, the extension was added at…
How To…Use a Pony Extension – Anya
Throughout this collection, hair extensions were used to enhance each look. A soft textured bun with a gentle wave around the face was created to…
How To…Use a Pony Extension – Intro Video
These stunning contemporary fashion-forward tutorials offers six fresh stylish ideas for finer and shorter hair length clients. Learn innovative, fun and fabulous styles that will…